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Elbe Ceramix

The Powerful Source of Amino Acids

Creatine is playing a major role in cell energy metabolism and is widely used in human nutrition. Especially athletes appreciate the effect of creatine as an energy booster. Through its application the ADP/ATP system is directly influenced, and energy is released on short notice. As creatine is not stable in animal feed, Elbevet has developed a synergistic mixture

of components, which are involved in the endogenous creatine synthesis and further remethylation. In broilers ELBE Ceramix leads to increased performance. Furthermore, an arginine-sparing effect can be taken into account.

To summarise:

  • contains an amino acid derivate as well as synergistic substances also present in the methylation/remethylation pathway
  • significantly increases feed conversion
  • influences body composition towards an increase of muscle tissue has an arginine-sparing effect